Hi readers, My Name Is Ruzaimi Yusoff, I'm as a student Communication in New Media in UniMAP want to share with you what is new media. The first thing is, before we go thru to the other topic, we need to know about what is new media. lets discuss it together.
Media is everything that can provide the information from the sources of information to recipients of information. Therefore, the media plays an important role in forming a strong country economically, politically and socially. This is because all the information that can be transmitted easily and this helped in the development process of each industry. Take agriculture as an example where operators farmers need to advertise their produce so they can begin to generate profits from agriculture. With media platforms such as newspapers, magazines and television, the farmers are able to advertise their produce to the public. With this, agricultural farmers would be popular, and the opportunity for them to generate profits is also high.
Media often associated with communications technology. This is because communication technology is an important aspect in the creation of media. Without communication technology, the process of working media will be slow and inefficient. Therefore, we often see the quality of communications technology from time to time. In the past, using magazines, newspapers and radio as a major in the media, but now a variety of technologies born like mushrooms after a rain like computer, digital phone, and social media. Communication technology progressed so arises a phenomenon in the communication media called "New Media". The question now is what is the meaning of "new media" is.
When asked about the meaning of "New Media", the first thing that was born in the mind of my mind is the Internet. This is because the Internet is a technology that is able to facilitate and speed up the communication process. As examples of Adobe Connect that I faced in his first term at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), which I guess makes it easier for students and lecturers. By using Adobe Connect classes to be made online. This means that students and lecturers can present to the class where they are. However, after doing research carefully, I realized that I need a reference of quality to define this.

We relate this by comparing the electronic magazine with physical magazine. Electronic magazines such as Time.com produce useful content or context as physical magazine. But Time.com has a space for users to issue an opinion on the issue released through contact with social media such as twitter.com or facebook.com. With this opportunity, users can provide feedback on the issues released by Time.com. Time.com different magazines such as Women's physical, Variations and Mango, does not give an opportunity to the readers to produce feedback based on what they read. We might say that there is an opportunity for readers to remove feedback, but the process is too slow and inefficient. Thus, digital interaction is an important aspect of the new media. This has resulted in many companies began to adapt to the new media.

Not only that, the truth is in the form of the Internet social network, the user can interact with each other no matter wherever they are no matter the place or time as long as there is internet connection. These social networks are often thrive because we often see different types of birth involves social networking and technology have also increased quality. We can see facebook.com increasingly popular among people in Malaysia, which previously were using Friendster.com and myspace.com. This indicates that the growth of technology towards high quality I also refer to as new media.
In conclusion, the new media is something that is very difficult to define. The question of what new media will not give you a standard sense because each had a different perspective and opinion. In any event, new media has a very high potential in any industry today, especially on mixed economic country like Malaysia.