Which one is better ? Business or Study in University ?

Assalamualaikum everyone. before i go through with this topic, i just want to share with you what happen to me before i choose to study in universiti than just go through to find a job. thats is very complicated and im so dizzy to choose with one is more reliable for me and my future.

some of us don't care about business, what they want is just to make sure they get a university to study. but some of us care about that. sometimes, they think which one is better ? this will be a big problem.

for me, you get the best result in SPM, so you just go for it. but remember, don't be a someoen that only try to achive diploma, degree, master and PhD and just work and just get RM4k- 5k per month.

Just go to the university, meet other young people there, network with your lecturers, broaden your horizon, learn about responsibilities, enjoy life accordingly.

You will need professional qualifications if you want to be a professional in your chosen line. Kalau tak ada, nanti org takkan iktiraf. Professionals like doctors, accountants, lawyers, engineers, architects make a comfortable living but they hardly make millions. 

And they need to be there to continue making money. Kalau doktor tak ada di klinik, patients tak mari dah. We must have a business where things still run like normal and we still make money even when we are holidaying on a cruise ship going around the world.

now, your decision. think about it and go for it.